Forming A New Habit

female holding two dumbbells in an exercising facility

How long does it take a new habit to form?

On average, it takes 66 days to create a habit.

Why do most people find it difficult to stick to their New Year’s resolutions? We say we’re going to hit the gym more often or that we’ll eat more nutritious foods, and yet, we break those resolutions way before the year has even ended.

The answer? IT’S ALL ABOUT HABIT! 👊

What is a habit? Habits are automatic behaviours that you do without thinking about what or why you do it. Some examples would be putting your seatbelt on when you enter a car or brushing your teeth before you go to bed. It’s basically acting without thinking.

In 2009, researchers found that it takes a person somewhere between 18 and 254 days to create a new automatic behaviour (a habit), with the average amount of days being 66.

It might only take you 21 days to create the simple habit of drinking 2 litres of water per day. Exercise, however, could take you up to 50 plus days before it starts to become automatic.

This can explain why we struggle to keep up our New Year’s resolutions. The more significant the goal, the longer it takes to form the habit. It simply takes time and perseverance.

We can get so caught up on the desired results, that we can get too frustrated to work past the struggle. So, try to be more gentle and compassionate with yourself when working towards that goal. Shift your focus on the journey, embrace the struggle, and you may just find yourself exactly where you want to be: a newly formed habit! ✨

If you’d like to dig a little deeper and get more insight on habits, we recommend the book: The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg.

Always remember, motion is lotion. We encourage you to Move Well, Live Well™.    

If you’re interested in moving, feeling and/or performing better, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d be happy to help.


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