Neutral Spine Core Training

What’s the safest way to train the core?

Train your core with a neutral spine and you will be fine!

Over the last decade, a surge of published articles have created a paradigm shift away from doing sit-ups and towards training the core in a neutral spine position.

Despite this information being readily available to everyone, many trainers are still including crunches, sit-ups and side bends into their programs 🤷🏻‍♂️ This type of training is a recipe for sore backs and potential spinal injuries down the road.

We need to stop thinking about training muscles in isolation. Rather, consider movement as a group of muscles working together to complete a given task.

The true function of the core is to stabilize the spine while transmitting force to the arms and legs. So how do we train the core while addressing this function?

Start with:

1️. Dead bug progressions (check out last week’s Workout Wednesday post for demo!).
2️. Bird dog progressions.
3️. Side plank.

These three exercises are the foundation of any movement so get really good at them! 😊

Next, progress to:

  • Dynamic front plank variations.

  • Swiss ball roll-outs (TRX Fallouts).

  • Loaded carries (2-arm, 1-arm, rack position).

  • Pallof Press variations.

  • Half-kneeling chops.

  • Half-kneeling lifts.

  • Wide stance horizontal chops.

Proper training should build you up, not break you down. Limit the amount of time you train the core in spinal flexion. Your lower back will feel much better!

Always remember, motion is lotion. We encourage you to Move Well, Live Well™.    

If you’re interested in moving, feeling and/or performing better, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d be happy to help.


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