Adding Supplements

different  types  of supplements

People ask us about nutritional supplements everyday.

Supplements are exactly what they sound like. They are there to aid and ‘supplement’ your actual food and healthy living. But they can’t solely be relied on to be healthy.

Supplements won’t provide you with much help if you’re eating fast food three times per day. They also won’t be absorbed well into your system if your gut health is a mess. Without proper absorption, all that money you spent metaphorically ends up in a literal toilet.

We often encourage people to save their money and really start to focus more on their overall lifestyle.

Just to be clear, we’re not anti-supplement and we’re not haters. Sometimes it’s difficult to get all your nutrients from food.

Supplements that we find can benefit the general public:
✅Vitamin D (especially for Canadians)
✅Fish oils & omega-3’s
✅Whey Protein
✅Chlorella & Spirulina
✅Low calorie electrolyte drinks

It would be best to hire a Naturopath and get some blood work done to figure out exactly what your body needs. We often find that a combination of quality sleep, eating whole foods, weekly exercise and mindful breathing can take care of a whole lot.

Be smart folks. Nutritional supplements are part of a billion dollar industry that markets to our insecurities and natural tendencies to search for a ‘quick-fix’ that’s ultimately unrealistic.

Always remember, motion is lotion. We encourage you to Move Well, Live Well™.    

Need help with movement and exercise? Contact us to book your FREE Functional Movement Screen and Personal Training Consultation. We’d be happy to help.


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